How Does Glass Beading Remove Calcium Buildup From a Pool?
Glass bead blasting is among the best methods for cleaning calcium buildups and polishing the tiles.
One common issue swimming pool owners face is calcium buildup along the pool waterline. This can considerably spoil the pool’s appearance and damage the pool tiles if not treated promptly.
Glass bead blasting is among the best methods for cleaning calcium buildups and polishing the tiles. Here’s an explanation of how it works:
What is glass beading?
Glass beading is a quick, easy method for cleaning pool tiles and removing mineral buildup. It uses delicate glass beads to remove calcium and minerals from the pool tiles without abrasive chemicals.
What is the process for glass bead blasting?
Pool professionals lower the pool water level to under the tile line. This allows them to access the deposits. Next, they use special glass blasting equipment to shoot a stream of pinhead-sized glass beads against pool tiles at low pressure. The process eradicates all calcium buildup and other deposits, giving the tiles a polished look.
It’s safe
People use different abrasive media to blast the tile surface. Unfortunately, many of these include harsh chemicals that can damage the tiles. Glass beading is one of the safest methods for removing calcium buildup from a pool. It doesn’t use any hazardous chemicals and doesn’t leave any contaminants. This way, it doesn’t affect pool water chemistry.
It increases the pool’s beauty and durability
Glass beading is a low-abrasive method for cleaning calcium buildup. This feature provides a bright, smooth, and clean finish to the pool, increasing its appeal. Glass beading also adds to the pool’s durability, preventing tiles from fading and damage. In addition, cleaning the pool tiles using this method provides a long-lasting shine to the tiles.
It’s eco-friendly
Glass beading is an environmentally conscious cleaning option. Glass beads consist of recyclable glass and reduce the carbon footprint. They can also be reused after cleaning. Additionally, they’re silica- and lead-free and are better suited for pool cleaning since they’re smoother than regular glass. This material is the reason for the silky finish to the tiles after removing calcium buildup using this method. The beads are easy to remove after blasting, leaving a clean finish to the pool tiles.
It provides a multi-residue cleaning approach
Glass beading is a versatile cleaning solution. It eradicates calcium buildup and removes any extra mineral deposits and chemical residue. The glass beads gently remove the dirt without damaging the tile surface while brightening the color.
Call a professional service
Glass beading used to remove calcium buildup from pool tiles will provide the best results and bring the shine back to any pool. Contact a professional pool tile cleaning service to quickly and effectively remove calcium buildup from a pool.
Pool Tile Cleaning Vegas offers pool tile cleaning, calcium removal, acid washing, pool draining, and media blasting services, in Las Vegas and Henderson. Call us at (702)605-6936.