Signs a Pool Needs Draining

Pool owners understand the dilemma of choosing the ideal time to drain a pool. Pools must be maintained regularly, even when it's not swim season. But some homeowners don't prioritize this; before too long, the pool turns green from algae and has bugs, debris, and dirt in it.

Most inground pools need to be drained and refilled at some point. However, one can handle a lot of cleanups and repairs even with water in the pool. Draining creates hydrostatic pressure that could cause structural damage to the walls and should only be done when necessary.

The signs

Here are some telltale signs that the pool needs draining:

High TDS (Total Dissolved Solids) levels

This measurement can shed some light on whether a homeowner should drain the pool. Dissolved solids include pollen, algae residue, sulfates, chlorides, organic wastes, metals, and pollen. A digital meter can measure the TDS level, and a measurement above 1550 ppm may indicate that the water needs replacement. But call in the professionals to be sure.

Smelly and cloudy water

If the water is smelly, cloudy, and murky, it's time to schedule a pool draining with a professional. Routine cleaning and maintenance can ensure that the pool has adequate chemicals added to clean it. It also ensures that the filter is in perfect working condition. Pool water should have a chlorine scent and should look clean.

An inefficient pump

Pool pumps are responsible for filtering solids out of water. However, there are instances when the water is so dirty that the filter cannot get everything out. It could be that the pump is malfunctioning or too old to do a thorough job. If the filter runs well and is in good condition, but the pool water isn't clearing up as it should, it's time to replace it.

Mold, bacteria, and algae

These toxic microorganisms could lead to eye, ear, and skin infections. Microbe-infested water isn't safe and needs to be drained, especially when bacterial and algae growth is out of control. A professional can determine whether to use shock chemicals; it all depends on the intensity of growth.

Routine replacement

Drain pool water once every five to seven years if conditions are ideal. If one has not drained the swimming pool within that period, it is time to drain and replace the water.

Get professional assistance

If one neglects a pool for a long while or the cleaning is sloppy, homeowners may eventually have to deal with health issues and costly repairs. Therefore, pool draining shouldn't be a DIY job. Please leave it to professionals who can recommend whether to drain or not and can drain the pool correctly.

Pool Tile Cleaning Vegas offers pool tile cleaning, calcium removal, acid washing, pool draining, and media blasting services, in Las Vegas and Henderson. Call us at (702)605-6936.


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